# Swagger Documentation.

# Introduction

The OpenAPI specification is a standard way to describe RESTFul APIs. ExpressWebJs makes it easy to generate swagger documentation for your REST APIs.

# Installation

To begin using it, we first install the required dependency.

# Bootstrap

Once the installation process is complete, open app.ts in the root directory and enable swagger.

import SwaggerUI from "swagger-ui-express";

  swaggerOption: {
    provider: SwaggerUI,
    environment: "development",
    swaggerUrl: "/api/docs",

# Configuration

Head over to Config/Swagger.ts to configure swagger.

import { env } from "expresswebcorets/lib/Env";

export default {
  info: {
    title: env("APP_NAME"),
    version: "1.0",
    description: "My website API docs with ExpressWebJs and Swagger",
    license: {
      name: "MIT",
      url: "https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html",
    contact: {
      name: "",
  host: "",
  basePath: "/api",

# Examples

Now that swagger has been configured, we can now start documenting our api's.

Route.get("/welcome", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  //#swagger.description = "Welcome Endpoint";
  res.send("Welcome to ExpressWebJs");
πŸ’‘ To see the changes take effect, you need to manually restart your application..

Markdown Monster icon

# Controller Route Documentation

All the components of a controller route can be documented. Starting from:

  • Request path
  • Request method
  • Description
  • Add a tag
  • Responses
  • Parameters

Let's document a create todo request.

  #swagger.path = '/todos'
  #swagger.method = 'post'
  #swagger.description = 'Save todo'
  #swagger.tags = ['Todo']
  #swagger.responses[200] = { 
    description: 'Create todo success response',
     schema: { $ref: "#/definitions/CreateTodoSuccessResponse" }
  #swagger.parameters['obj'] = {
    in: 'body',
    description: 'Todo data.',
    required: true,
    schema: { $ref: "#/definitions/CreateTodo" }
Route.post("/todos", "TodoController@createTodos");
πŸ’‘ ExpressWebJs uses swagger autogen to automatically generate your documentation. Visit swagger-autogen to read more on the parameters.

# Swagger Schema

From the above example, we added a CreateTodoSuccessResponse schema and CreateTodo schema. Does schemas need to be defined in Swagger configuration file.

import { env } from "expresswebcorets/lib/Env";

export default {
  info: {
    title: env("APP_NAME"),
    version: "1.0",
    description: "My website API docs with ExpressWebJs and Swagger",
    license: {
      name: "MIT",
      url: "https://spdx.org/licenses/MIT.html",
    contact: {
      name: "",
  host: "",
  basePath: "/api",
  definition: {
    CreateTodo: {
      $name: "Go to gym",
      isComplete: true,
    CreateTodoSuccessResponse: {
      message: "Todo successfully created",
      data: {
        name: "Go to gym",
        isComplete: true,